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Payment methods

Manage your portal's payment methods.

Updated over 2 months ago

Payment methods are used to issue payments from your portal to learners for completing projects.



Only educators with a role that contains the "Payments" permission will be able to manage payment methods.


The current types of payment methods, and their applicable countries, accepted are:

  • Credit card - Global

Card type

Applicable countries





American Express

Global, except India



  • Pre-authorized debit - Canada

  • US bank account - United States

How To

Add a payment method

To add a payment method to your portal, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Billing" below the "Portal" group in the main navigation

  2. Click the "Payment methods" tab

  3. Click "Add payment method"

  4. Follow the prompts and complete the form details

Depending on the presentment currency (the currency you are issuing payments from) you select, you may be provided with limited payment method types as some currencies are not available to certain payment methods. For example, if you pick CAD, you cannot use a US bank account as a payment method.

After you have submitted the final step of the process to create a payment method, you will either see the payment method available to you in your payment methods list, or you will receive a follow up email to the email address you provided during the creation process with additional steps you must take. These additional steps are necessary for certain types of payment methods to verify information and prevent fraud. These steps are handled outside of Riipen by Stripe.

View payment methods

To view payment methods for your portal, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Billing" below the "Portal" group in the main navigation

  2. Click the "Payment methods" tab

Edit a payment method

Once added, payment methods cannot be edited. If you need to update a payment method, add a new payment method and delete the existing one.

Delete a payment method

To delete a payment method to your portal, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Billing" below the "Portal" group in the main navigation

  2. Click the "Payment methods" tab

  3. Click the trash icon next to the payment method you want to delete

Deleting a payment method will cancel any current pending or ready payments associated with it. It will not affect any previously processed payments.

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