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Merging accounts

Combine multiple accounts into a single account

Updated over 11 months ago

You may find yourself in a situation where you have more than 1 account on Riipen and wishing to combine them back to a single account. This can happen if you sign up with an email address and then later sign up to a different account with a different email address or single sign on provider.


Transferred content

The following content will transfer from one account to another during a merge:

  • Experiences, projects and teams that you're a member of

  • Conversations you are apart of

  • Match requests you have made (employer and educators only)

  • Feedback you have received and authored

  • Applications you have made (learners only)

  • Bookmarks you have

  • Achievements you have earned

All other data will be lost during the merging process.


  • Accounts that are merged must be of the same type. You cannot merge an educator account into an employer one, for example.

  • Progress towards achievements that have not yet been issued in the secondary account are lost

  • Profile data (eg. your bio, your profile image, your work experience) from the secondary account will be lost. Only the primary account's profile data is kept.

  • Settings from the secondary account are lost; the settings of the primary account take precedence.

  • If both accounts are a member of the same entity (experience, project, etc), the secondary account's membership is ignored. The primary account's membership is the one retained, even if it has lower permissions.

How to

Merge accounts

This action should be performed from the account you want to keep

To merge an account into your current account:

  1. Click on your user avatar in the top navigation bar and select "Settings"

  2. Click the "Account" tab under the "General" group

  3. Click "Merge accounts" to access a step-by-step process which will prompt you to confirm the secondary account that you want to merge into your active account and authenticate so we know you own that account.

  4. Follow the prompts and you accounts will be merged.


What do I do if merging accounts fails?

If your account merge fails, you'll receive an email from Riipen alerting you of this. Contact us at for support.

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