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Posting updates to participants within your experience

Updated over 10 months ago

As an administrator of an experience, you can post updates to your experience to notify learners and / or employers with any information as your experience goes on such as updates about where learners should be in all projects, updates for employers with reminders on what they should be expecting next, etc.

How to

Create a post

To create a post, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience

  2. Click on the "Updates" tab

  3. Click the "Post update" button

  4. Write your post and select your audience

  5. Click "Submit".

Your post is now live and your audience will be notified about your post.

Edit a post

You can edit a post at any time with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience

  2. Click on the "Updates" tab

  3. Click on the "Read more" link on the post you wish to edit

  4. Click the "Edit" button

  5. Edit your post

  6. Click "Submit".

Note that your audience will not be notified during the editing process so you can make as many edit as you'd like without spamming anyone.

Delete a post

If you want to delete a post you can follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to your experience

  2. Click on the "Updates" tab

  3. Click on the "Read more" link on the post you wish to edit

  4. Click the "Delete" button

Note that if you delete a post, your audience may have already received emails linking to the post which will now lead them to an error page once the post is deleted.

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