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Brightspace LTI integration

How to enable the Brightspace LTI integration for your experience on Riipen

Updated over 10 months ago

Connecting your Riipen experience with Brightspace via LTI enables learners to easily navigate from a Brightspace course module to an associated Riipen experience.

For more information on LTI integrations, see our full guide here.

How to

Enable the Brightspace LTI integration

The following steps need to be completed inside of Brightspace. An administrator at your institution is required to complete this step once, after which educators can use the integration within their courses.

  1. Sign into Brightspace as an Administrator

  2. From the Admin menu (access under the gear menu next to your name), click "External Learning Tools"

  3. Click the "Manage Tool Providers" tab

  4. Click "New Tool Provider", then fill out the following fields:



Launch Point


*Note, replace {subdomain} with your Riipen subdomain!



OAuth Signature


Tool consumer information

✔ Check Use tool consumer information instead of default


Get one of your portal's keys "public token" in the settings -> keys tab of your portal in Riipen. Create a key if one does not exist.


Get one of your portal's keys "secret token" in the settings -> keys tab of your portal in Riipen. Create a key if one does not exist.



Security Settings

Check "Send LTI user ID and LTI role list to tool provider"

Check "Send user email to tool provider"

Ensure all other security settings are unchecked!

Click "Save" to add the Riipen LTI app.

Connect a Brightspace course module to a Riipen experience

The following steps need to be completed inside of Brightspace.

Start by creating an external tool link for your Riipen Experience with the steps below:

  1. Open your course, then click Edit Course to get to your Course Administration page.

  2. Click "External Learning Tools"

  3. Click the "Manage Tool Links" tab

  4. Click the "New Link" button

  5. Fill the following fields:




Riipen Experience




Select Sign messages with key/secret

Select Tool consumer key/secret

Security Settings

Select "Use tool provider security settings"

6. Click "Save and Close"

After creating an external tool link for your experience, add that experience to your course content with the steps below:

1. Go to your course Content page

2. Open an existing module, or create a new one in the table of contents.

3. Click the "Add Existing" button, then select "External Tool Activity"

4. Select your external tool link, Riipen Experience from the list of learning tools.


After adding Riipen to your course content, ensure the course link is set to "Open in a new tab" by selecting the three dot menu icon, then selecting Edit (see screenshot below)

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