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Team configuration

Experience settings related to team creation.

Updated over 4 months ago

Before you add learners to your experience and have them start doing projects, it's important to consider what sort of workflows and limitations you might want to impose on them to ensure the smoothest possible process for both your learners and the employers they will be working with.

Configure your team settings in advance to:

  • Set flexible team formation methods

  • Set various limits including teams per project or learners per team limits.

  • Set hard or soft deadlines for final submissions and more.

The team configuration options on your experience allow you to control exactly how learners can start working with the matched projects, and what sort of limitations you might want to impose.


Team creation method

You may choose from the following team creation methods based on your experience needs:

  1. By admins

    Experience administrators will create teams and assign them to matched projects via the team creation wizard. Learners cannot start projects without being added to a team first.

  2. Self-assign

    Learners can assign themselves to matched projects and create their own teams with other learners who have joined the experience.

  3. By application

    Learners must create their own teams and apply to matched projects. Project administrators will then review these applications and decide whether to accept or decline them.

Team limits

You can set the following team-based limits when configuring your experience to ensure teams are distributed according to your criteria. First, you must decide whether learners will work on projects individually or in teams.

If you choose teams, you can configure the following limits:

  • How many learners will an average team have?
    Select the typical number of learners in a team to set expectations for employers.

  • How many learners can each team have?
    Set the maximum number of learners per team.

  • How many teams can each project accept?
    Set the maximum number of teams per project.

  • How many learners can each project accept?
    Set the maximum number of learners accepted per project across all teams.

  • How many teams can each learner be part of?
    Set the maximum number of teams a learner can join across all projects.

  • Unique learners per matched project
    This setting prevents learners from being added to multiple teams within the same project to ensure a learner only completes a project once. This is setting is on by default.

If you choose individually, you can configure the following limits:

  • How many learners can each project accept?
    Set the maximum number of learners accepted per project across all teams.

  • How many projects can each learner be part of?
    Set the maximum number of projects each learner can join.

  • Unique learners per matched project:
    This setting prevents learners from being added to multiple teams within the same project to ensure a learner only completes a project once. This is setting is on by default.

Changes to the team work type (individual vs. teams) and size will only apply to newly matched teams and will not impact existing ones.

After setting a limit, the following can be expected depending on the limit set:

  • Learners cannot be added to a team if any of their learner specific limits have been reached.

  • If a learner has a pending invitation but has already reached any of their learner specific limits, they cannot accept the invitation, and an error message will appear when they attempt to do so.

  • Employers cannot accept any pending project applications from learners who have reached the set limit. An error message will be displayed to the employer explaining the reason.

  • If a team's application to work on a project is accepted and any limits are reached, all other pending applications by the members of that team will be cancelled.

Binding deadlines

Experience administrators may choose whether deadlines for their teams are binding or non-binding deadlines to suit the specific needs of projects and learners.

  • Dates are non-binding
    Teams may complete work after the due date has elapsed.

  • Dates are binding
    Teams may not complete work in their timeline after the due date has elapsed.

The work items that are affected by bind deadlines are:

  • Starting projects

  • Completing milestones

  • Making a final submission

Experience administrators can choose to set an experience wide grace period for binding deadlines which allows teams to complete work on their projects up to the allotted numbers of days specified in the grace period past any due date. Experience administrators can also configure unique grace periods per team.

All team members, project administrators, and experience administrators will be notified when a team cannot proceed due to a missed deadline.

How To

View team settings

To view the team settings for an experience, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab.

  2. Within settings, click on the "Participants" tab under the "Project Management" group.

  3. View and edit the team settings as desired.

Edit team limits

To edit team limits, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab.

  2. Within settings, click on the "Participants" tab under the "Project Management" group.

  3. Scroll to the "Team limits" section, where you can edit the various team limits

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

If a learner is already a member of more teams than a limit allows, enabling this feature won't remove them from existing teams; it will only prevent them from being added to additional teams.

Edit team creation method

To edit the team creation method, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab.

  2. Within settings, click on the "Teams" tab under the "Project Management" group.

  3. Scroll to the "Team creation" section, where you can edit how teams are formed and assigned to projects.

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

Set binding deadlines and any grace period

To set binding deadlines, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab.

  2. Within settings, click on the "Teams" tab under the "Project Management" group.

  3. Scroll down to the "Deadlines" section and make any changes to your being deadlines configuration.

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

Extend the grace period for a team

To extend the grace period for a specific team, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the team you wish to extend the deadline for.

  2. Click on the “Settings” tab.

  3. Enter the number of days you wish to extend the deadline by in the “Additional grace period” field.

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

Add final submission description

To add a description which all learners will see when submitting final deliverables for their team, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab.

  2. Within settings, click on the "Teams" tab under the "Project Management" group.

  3. Scroll to the “Team submission” section and then add your custom description.

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

Customize final submission created next step instructions

To customize the content which all learners will see after they submit final deliverables for their team, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab.

  2. Within settings, click on the "Teams" tab under the "Project Management" group.

  3. Scroll to the “Team submission” section and then add your custom next steps.

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes


Can team creation method be changed after the experience has started?

Generally, team creation methods can be changed even after the experience has begun, offering flexibility to adapt to evolving needs. However, it's advisable to communicate any changes effectively to all participants to avoid confusion.

Can team limits be adjusted after the experience has started?

Administrators have the flexibility to modify team limits based on evolving requirements or changes in project dynamics. However, it's advisable to communicate any changes effectively to all participants to avoid confusion.

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