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Adding learners to your experience
Adding learners to your experience

Help learners join your experience

Updated over a week ago

Before adding learners into an experience, review your experience's team creation settings where you can edit how teams are formed and matched to projects.

Once your experience has match with the projects you want your learners to work on, it's time to bring the learners into your experience.

There are several options available to educators for bringing learners into their experience depending on the chosen team creation method. These options include learners requesting to join, joining via an access code, inviting learners to the experience itself, inviting learners to preassigned teams assigned to projects, and importing learners from an external tool such as a learning management system.

Main benefits of adding learners to your experience:

  • Centralize your progress tracking for all teams across all projects.

  • Your learners will receive written feedback, endorsements, and achievements for completing their projects which they can share on their resume / CV, personal portfolio, or LinkedIn to showcase their experience to prospective employers.

  • Unlock even more in depth project management tools such as worklogs, milestones, feedback surveys, and more.


Membership levels

When you are ready to add learners to your experience, you may actually choose between several methods which will end up adding learners to the experience itself, or to teams within the experience.

  • Experience level

    Any method to add learners to the experience will give those learners access to the experience where they will be able to see all of the matched projects. If your experience team creation setting is set to "self-assign" or "by application" adding learner to the experience will then allow them to take the next action, whether that be forming their team and starting a project, or applying to a project. If your experience team creation setting is set to "by admins" then you will still need to create the teams for your learners even after they have been added to the experience.

  • Team level

    When your experience team creation setting is set to "by admins" you will most likely be inviting learners directly to teams within the experience. Any learner added to a team within your experience will also automatically be added to the experience itself.

Any learner added to your experience will automatically be added to your experience's portal as a learner.


There are several methods you can use to add learners to your experience and teams. Each one serves a different purpose, so be sure to use the one(s) that fits your needs.

  • Learners join the experience via access code

    Give your learners an access code which they can use to join the experience directly. This is a great option if you want a quick way to get your learners into your experience.

  • Learners join the experience via magic link

    Give your learners a magic link which they can use to join the experience directly. This is a great option if you want a quickest way to get your learners into your experience.

  • Learners request to join the experience

    If you want to review every learner who want to join your experience, this is the best option. You can configure when these requests are turned on or off, set custom questions that must be asnwers s part of the requesting process, and can review a user's request and profile of previous work to determine whether to permit them access to the experience.

  • Learners are invited to teams

    This method allows you to form teams for projects and invite learners directly to those teams. This is the best option if you want to control exactly what learner is on what team and is working on what project. This option is also the easiest for learners as they will receive an invite directly into their team where they can then start working on their project.

  • Learners are invited to the experience

    Invite learners directly to your experience via email. If you need to quickly invite a relatively small amount of learners into your experience, this is often the quickest method.

  • Learners are imported to the experience

    If you have a large amount of learners you want to add to your experience, or you already have an external data source containing all the information needed to import learners, this is the best method. Imports have no limit to their size, will automatically create user accounts for each learner imported and be added as a learner of your experience.

  • Learners join via integration

    If you are using your experience to compliment learning in an external learning management system, you can configure a LMS integration from your LMS of choice directly to your experience. After the integration is enabled, learners clicking on the integration link from inside of the LMS will be redirect from the LMS to your experience and will have their user account automatically created for them and be added as a learner of the experience.

How to

Enable / disable learners joining the experience via access code

If you want to enable or disable the ability for learners to join via an access code:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab

  2. Click the "Learners" tab under the "Members" group

  3. Check or uncheck "Enable learners to join experience via an access code"

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

Change the experience access code

If you want to change the access code used by learners to join an experience:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab

  2. Click the "Learners" tab under the "Members" group

  3. In the "Learner members settings" section, set your new access code

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

Changing your access code will require any new learners attempting to join the experience to use the new code.

Invite learners to join the experience via access code

Once you have enabled learning to join via and access code, you can share the code with your learning however you want, but you can also send them step by step instructions by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click the "+ Invite" button, then click "Copy instructions".

  3. You will then see instructions for your learners, including the experience link and access code. Copy and paste the instructions and send it to your learners or include it in your syllabus.

Add learners via magic link

With a magic link, you can pass it out to learners which you want to have join your experience. They can simply click the link and will be added as a learner of your experience.

Magic links are turned off by default, but to enabled it, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience

  2. Click on the "Settings" tab on the experience page

  3. Click on the "Learners" tab and scroll down to the magic link settings.

  4. Check the "Magic link enabled" option

  5. Click "Submit" to save this setting

Magic links are great for ease of use, but remember that anyone who has this link can join your experience, so make sure to share it wisely. If you do get in to trouble with it, you can always turn it off or rotate it (see below).

Rotate a magic link

If you believe your magic link has gotten into the wrong hands, but want to continue using it as a feature, you can rotate or change your link by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience

  2. Click on the "Settings" tab on the experience page

  3. Click on the "Learners" tab and scroll down to the magic link settings.

  4. Click on "Generate" under the "Generate new link" section.

Rotating your link will render your previous link invalid and you will need to pass out your newly provided link provided in the magic link URL.

Enable learners to request to join the experience

To enable learner member requests, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab

  2. Click the "Learners" tab under the “Members” section.

  3. In the “Learner member settings” section, check the "Enable learner member requests" checkbox.

  4. Click "Submit" to save your changes

Set custom questions for learners when requesting to join the experience

Set custom questions for learner member requests by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab

  2. Click the "Learners" tab under the “Members” section.

  3. Under the “Learner membership question set” section check "Enable learner membership question set"

  4. Add any questions you would like learners to answer as part of their membership request

  5. Click "Submit" to save your changes.

Learners will be required to answer these questions as part of their membership request and you will be able to view their answers as part of reviewing their request.

When editing existing questions, note that any answers already provided to a particular question will still be connected to the question even after it is modified and may appears as improper answers if the question is significantly modified in meaning. If you are heavily editing a question, it is recommended to delete it and create a new question. Deleting a question will not delete any answers already provided to the question. Those answers will still be available when viewing a member request.

View all learner member requests

To view all the member request from learners:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click the "Requests" tab.

Accept or decline learner member requests

To accept or decline a member request from a learner, you can:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click the "Requests" tab.

  3. Click the request you would like to accept or decline.

  4. Click "Accept" to accept the member request and add them to the experience, or click "Decline" to reject the request.

Invite learners to the experience

To invite learners to the experience, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click the "+ Invite" button, then click "Invite to experience".

  3. Enter the email addresses of the learners you wish to invite.

  4. Click "Submit"

Set experience invitation expiration

To set a number of days which invitations to the experience are valid, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab

  2. Select the "Learners" tab and scroll to the "Learner Invitation Expiry" section.

  3. Enter the number of days after which you would like invitations to expire, or leave it blank if you don't want invitations to expire.

Setting expiry days only affects new invites and will have no affect on any preexisting invites.

View all learner experience invites

To view all the invites sent to learners:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click the "Invites" tab.

Create teams for learners in bulk

For this option, make sure that the team creation setting on your experience is “By admins”.

To create preassigned teams for learners for matched projects, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click the "+ Invite" button, then click "Invite to teams".

  3. Create teams and invite learners to them by following the step by step instructions.

Adding a learner directly to a team will also add them to the experience.

Create a team for a specific matched project

To create teams directly on a specific match, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Matches" tab.

  2. Select the match you want to invite learners to.

  3. Click on the "Teams" tab for the match.

  4. Click the "+ Team" button.

  5. Enter the details of the team team

  6. Click "Submit"

Import learners via CSV file

To import learners using a CSV file containing their information from an offline source, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click on the ellipsis menu and select "Import".

Add learners via learning management system integration

You can connect your learning management system to your experience by following these step-by-step instructions for each LMS.

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