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Level UP Terms & Conditions for Employers

Your go-to guide for program participation and success

Updated over 7 months ago

Employers must read and adhere to the program's terms and conditions to participate. Violations will result in strikes, per Level UP’s three-strike system. Riipen reserves the right to immediately remove participants from the platform or suspend them during an investigation into violations.

The definitions of key terms used in this document can be found outlined in thishelpful article.


  • I am either a not-for-profit employer, public sector employer, or private sector employer.

  • I am located in Canada.

  • I am a registered Canadian business with a valid registered business number.

  • I am not a member of the House of Commons or the Senate,
    an organization that engages in partisan political activities, and/or federal, provincial, territorial and municipal government.

  • I am not a representative of a publicly funded post-secondary institution.

  • Holding multiple active accounts will result in program removal and possible account suspension.

  • I cannot work with family members or employees of my company on Level UP projects.

Project Requirements

  • I can have a maximum of 2 companies connected with my Riipen account. Each company must undergo ID verification with our third-party provider.

  • I understand that each company is limited to 2 projects per Level UP funding cycle and each project can work with up to 5 students. There are no exceptions to this limit.

  • I understand that I must define the project scope.

  • I understand and attest that neither the company nor I can charge students any form of payment to participate in the project, including training and application licenses, and cannot directly profit from student participation.

  • I understand that I must be available for a discussion with the Level UP coordinator to initiate the relationship and confirm that the scope is an appropriate fit for the internship.

  • I understand that the student(s) must be accepted to the project on the Riipen platform before the start date. Students working on a project off of the platform are not eligible for payment. We cannot retroactively record projects on the platform once they have been completed.

  • After project completion, I commit to providing comprehensive feedback on the platform, confirming the student's completion of 60 hours of work within 2-8 weeks. If the work is incomplete and payment is not warranted, I will notify Riipen by submitting a Dispute Resolution ticket through the's support feature.

  • I understand that I must provide a project that requires no more than 60 hours of work per participating learner. If more than 60 hours of work is required, the student will not be able to complete the project under this program.

  • I understand that I must provide ongoing mentorship and guidance to the learner(s) who are working on my project(s). I must be responsive to any questions, and check in on progress to help ensure a positive outcome. We require that each student receives at least 5 hours of mentorship throughout the project.

  • I understand that I must acknowledge that the payment can only be granted to eligible students and that all participating students must come through the Riipen platform under the Level UP program page.

  • Students engaged in Level UP projects are considered workers of Riipen Networks Inc. and as such Riipen meets all Work Safe requirements legislated by their respective province/territory.

  • Riipen reserves the right to determine student eligibility for payment within the program. Only project submissions deemed eligible per the terms and conditions will qualify for payment.

Respectful Behaviour Agreement and Consequences

I understand and agree that:

  • I must conduct myself with respect and professionalism towards others at all times while using this service. This includes refraining from harassment, discrimination, hate speech, threats, or any form of abusive behaviour that would be considered hateful, religiously, racially or ethnically offensive, or that is otherwise inappropriate or disrespectful at Riipen’s discretion.

  • Violation of the above conduct may result in immediate removal, suspension, or termination of my service without prior notice.

  • The program team reserves the right to determine, at their discretion, what constitutes a violation of respectful behaviour in line with Riipen’s Acceptable Use Policy.

  • Any decision made by Riipen or the program team regarding the termination of my service due to a violation of this agreement is final and binding.

  • I am solely responsible for my actions and behaviours while using this service, and I understand that I must adhere to this agreement to continue using the service.

These terms and conditions may be updated without prior notice.

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