Completing a project is a major achievement, but how you present your work afterward is just as important. Showcasing your skills and experience can help you stand out to future employers and open doors to new opportunities. Here’s how you can get the most out of your project:
Update Your Resume
Add your recent project to your resume and upload the latest version of your resume to your profile. This will help employers quickly access your updated skills and achievements when new job opportunities arise
Tip: Include a link to your LinkedIn profile to give employers a more complete view of your professional background.
Share your profile
Once you complete a project, your profile will automatically update with the project details, skills demonstrated, achievements earned, and feedback received from the employer. Share your profile link on your resume, online portfolio, and professional social media platforms (like LinkedIn) to provide proof of your hard work and abilities.
Tip: Keep your profile regularly updated with new experiences. A well-maintained profile can boost your visibility to employers and improve your chances of landing future job offers.
Share your feedback
When you received feedback from the employer and company at the end of the project, you will be able to share the link to it on your other online portfolios. Make sure you share any positive feedback or endorsements you receive as proof of your skills being verified by an industry professional.
Share your completion certificate
When you complete a project, you'll receive a certificate of completion which shows the skills you demonstrated and the project you worked on. You can download or share the link to the certificate and share it around your online portfolios and even your resume as proof you completed a project for a real company.
Share your work product
If you created some sort of digital or physical work product as part of your project, be sure to share it with anyone who might be interested in seeing it. Post pictures to your online portfolio, include links to it in resumes, anything to show off what you have accomplished.
Connect with employers and team members
Connect with the employers and team members you collaborated with on the project through LinkedIn. Building these connections can open doors to future opportunities and recommendations.
Many companies use projects as part of their campus recruiting process to identify skilled learners for potential full-time positions. After completing the project, reach out to the employer to inquire about any hiring opportunities and to maintain future connections.