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Defining an experience and its use

Updated over 7 months ago

Experiences are created by educators that define the scope and parameters of an experiential learning activity such as topics, timelines, learner abilities, learning objectives, and more.

Experiences are posted to Riipen’s marketplace where employers can view and submit match requests with their projects to the experience. Educators can also browse all available projects and submit match requests directly to a project with their experience.

Once both parties accept a match request, a match is formed and learners can be brought into the experience to complete a project. An experience acts as a hub for all matched projects and the learners completing them where all activity can be completed by learners and tracked and monitored by educators and employers.

In general, experiences are and involve:

  • A scope of the experiential learning opportunity such as topic, timelines, learner abilities, learning objective, and the types of projects and companies sought for them.

  • A way to match with projects

  • A hub for learners to join and work on matched projects

  • A way of tracking learner and employer activities and outcomes for educators and facilitating communication among all users.

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