The Google integration enables users log in with google, create meetings which are added to their Google Calendar, and add video conferencing to those meeting via Google Meet.
How to
Enable the Google integration
The following steps can be completed by any user account:
Click on your user avatar in the top navigation bar and select "Settings"
Click the "Integrations" tab in the "Advanced" group
Select the "Google" option under the "Meetings & Video Conferencing" section.
Click the "Connect with Google" button. You will then be directed to the Google login.
Login to your Google account.
Follow the prompts to authorize the integration.
Log in with Google
From the log in page, simply click "Log in with Google"
Create a meeting with Google Meet
Click on the messages icon in the top navigation bar.
Select the conversation you want to create a meeting for.
Click on the create meeting calendar icon.
Choose "Google" as the video conferencing option.
After you click "Submit", a Google Meet link will automatically be added to the meeting. This meeting will also appear in your Google Calendar.
Remove the Google integration
Click on your user avatar in the top navigation bar and select "Settings"
Click the "Integrations" tab in the "Advanced" group
Select the "Google" option under the "Meetings & Video Conferencing" section.
Click the "Delete" button.