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How you appear to other users on Riipen.

Updated over 10 months ago

As a user, you have a personal profile which will appear to other users on Riipen and can also be viewed externally by none users as well. This profile will capture all of the activity and outcomes of the actions you take including your experiences, projects you participate in, feedback you receive and more.


Learner profiles

Learners can treat their profile as an extension of their resume, CV, or personal profile of work. The profiles can be shared with perspective employers who will be able to see the projects the learner has completed, the feedback and endorsements they have received, verified skills they have obtained, and more.

Educator profiles

An educator's profile represents the activity they have taken and the feedback they have received from employers they have interacted with. This is how educators can showcase what experiences they have been apart of, which ones they are currently running and what sort of things employers have had to say about them while interacting with them.

Employers can view an educator's profile before deciding to work with them on a particular experience.

Employer profiles

An employer's profile represents the activity they have taken and the feedback they have received from educators and learners they have interacted with. This is how employers can showcase what projects they have been apart of, which ones they are currently running and what sort of things educators and learners have had to say about them while interacting with them on projects.

Educators can view an employer's profile before deciding to work with them on a particular project.

Profile information

Depending on your user type, different types of information will be displayed on your profile.

For all users of Riipen:

  • Profile information

    • Avatar photo*

    • Cover photo*

    • Name

    • Pronouns*

    • Location (city, state / province, country)*

    • Biography*

    • Categories of interest*

    • Social media links (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter / X, Instagram)*

    • Work experience*

      • Job title

      • Company name

      • Location (city, state / province, country)

      • Start date

      • End date

      • Job description

    • Education experience*

      • Degree

      • Field of study

      • Institution name

      • Start date

      • End date

  • Feedback received

  • Achievements earned

* Optional information

For learners:

  • Endorsements received

  • Projects worked on

For educators:

  • Experiences participated in

For employers:

  • Projects participated in

Privacy levels

A user account has 3 possible privacy levels:

  • Public. This is the default privacy level for most accounts. Anyone, whether or not they have an account, can view the account profile. This level also makes the profile visible to non users such as search engines, social media platforms, and more. This is the best way to make your profile visible to others.

  • No Index. Anyone, whether or not they have an account, can view your profile, however, we will block non users such as search engines, social media platforms, and more, from seeing it. This is to ensure humans can see your profile, but robots cannot and ensures that your profile will not show up in search results such as Google or Bing.

Note, search engines such as Google and Bing will still be able to see your profile, however, we insert code to ask them nicely not to display your profile in any public facing search results. It is up to the discretion of those search engines to comply with our ask.

  • Hidden. This level adds one additional level of privacy to your profile, in that it is hidden from non users. People will need to have an account in order to see your profile. This is a good privacy level if you want to make sure search engines such as Google or Bing or other possible web scrapers cannot see your content whatsoever.

How to

Edit your profile

To edit the details of your profile:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top navigation menu, then click your name

  2. Click on the "Edit profile" button near the top right of your profile

  3. Make any edits you wish including changing your name, pronouns, avatar or cover photos, and more.

  4. Click "Submit" to save your profile.

Adding work or education experience

If you have ongoing or completed formal education, are currently employed, or have been previously employed with a company, you can add these educational and work experiences to your profile by following these steps:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top navigation menu, then click your name

  2. Scroll to the bottom of your profile and click "+ Add work experience" or "+ Add education"

  3. Fill in the details in the provided form

  4. Click "Submit" to save the experience

Editing work or education experience

If you have added work or education experience to your profile and wish to edit it:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top navigation menu, then click your name

  2. Click the pencil icon next to the work or education experience you wish to edit

  3. Fill in the provided form

  4. Click "Submit" to save your work

Delete work or education experience

If you have added work or education experience to your profile and wish to delete it:

  1. Click "Submit" to save your work

  2. Click the trash icon next to the work or education experience you wish to delete

Update your profile privacy settings

To edit the privacy level of your profile:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top navigation menu, then click on "Settings"

  2. In the "Privacy Settings" panel, set your preferred privacy level

  3. Click "Submit"

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