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Managing the feedback employers provide to learners.

Updated over 11 months ago

As an experience administrator, you will be able to see and customize the feedback that employers provide to learners at the end of any given project as well as see the feedback learners provide to the employers.

Customizing the feedback process is ideal when you want to elicit very specific answers from employers about your learners such as skills they've developed, soft skills they've demonstrated, or overall quality of their work submission.

Main benefits of feedback:

  • Gives you more oversight into the outcomes of your learners.

  • Ensure that the feedback provided aligns closely with the specific learning objectives of your experience.

  • Provides learners with richer insights into their performance and areas for improvement.


Standard feedback

At the end of a project, learners submit a final deliverable to the employer. At this point, the employer is asked to assess the team's work by providing feedback. The feedback they provide will always automatically include:

  • An overall rating out of 5 stars

  • A public feedback comment

  • A private feedback comment for the team (optional)

  • A rating out of 5 stars for the specific skills of (optional):

    • Communication

    • Creativity

    • Professionalism

    • Critical thinking

    • Employability

This feedback configuration cannot be changed.

Custom feedback

As an experience administrator, you will be able to add custom questions that must be answered by employers while they fill in their standard feedback. Any questions you add here will be in addition to the standard feedback questions, not in lieu of. You may add an unlimited number of fully configurable questions including multiple choice, short and long answer, document, date, true or false, and more.

Custom feedback is great if you are looking for specific feedback on a particular skill or some quality metric of the team's work.

How to

Set custom questions

To set custom feedback questions employers must answer while providing feedback to teams, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Settings" tab

  2. Click the "Feedback" tab under the "Project Management" group

  3. Check the "Enable team feedback questions" checkbox

  4. Enter any of the questions you want to have employers answer.

  5. Click Submit.

If you want to keep your questions but temporarily disable them as part of the feedback process, just uncheck "Enable team feedback questions".

When editing existing questions, note that any answers already provided to a particular question will still be connected to the question even after it is modified and may appears as improper answers if the question is significantly modified in meaning. If you are heavily editing a question, it is recommended to delete it and create a new question. Deleting a question will not delete any answers already provided to the question. Those answers will still be available when viewing feedback.

View a team's feedback

To view feedback submitted to a specific team by an employer or by a specific team to the project administrators, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Click the "Teams" tab

  3. Select the team you want to view feedback about

  4. Select the "Feedback" tab

You can click on any of the feedback list items to get a more detailed view of the feedback.

View a learner's feedback

To view feedback submitted to a specific learner's teams by an employer, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your experience and click the "Learners" tab

  2. Select the team you want to view feedback about

  3. Select the "Feedback" tab

You can click on any of the feedback list items to get a more detailed view of the feedback.

Best practices

  • Always lean on the side of caution and make custom questions required unless you really don't care about the reply rate.

  • Ensure that the feedback questions are relevant to the specific tasks, projects, or skills being assessed.

  • Include questions that address both strengths and areas for improvement to provide a well-rounded evaluation of the learners' performance.

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